Monday, August 6, 2012

Buck-Tick - "Gessekai"

Buck-Tick - "Gessekai"
Buck-Tick - "Moonworld"

[Show Definitions]

 About "gessekai"

 1) 0:18
黄色 向日葵 群青 紫陽花
aka ki-iro himawari daidai gunjou ajisai
Red, yellow, sunflower Orange, ultramarine, hydrangea
[Show Definitions]

 2) 0:29
黄色 向日葵 群青 紫陽花
aka ki-iro himawari daidai gunjou ajisai
Red, yellow, sunflower Orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 3) 0:50
nami ni tadayou tsuki no hikari
floating on a wave {moonlight*}
[Show Definitions]

 About "ni"
"Ni" is a particle that has more than one use (like marking locations and indirect objects, and changing na-adjectives into adverbs). Read more about it here (Look for #6) About "ni")

 Learn more about "tadayou"
Learn more ways to conjugate "tadayou" here (Look for T > Tadayou)

 * About "no"
"No" is a particle that has more than one use (like connecting nouns and adding emphasis to what you're saying). Read more about the following topics here (Look for #3) About "no" > 3a) Grammar for [noun A] [noun B] ([tsuki] no [hikari]))

 4) 1:02
konsui {no naka} tsuki no hikari
{in**} a deep sleep {moonlight*}
[Show Definitions]

 ** About "no naka"
"No" is a particle that has more than one use (like connecting nouns and adding emphasis to what you're saying). Read more about the following topics here (Look for #3) About "[noun] no naka" ([konsui] no naka))

 5) 1:15
游ぐ 独り 暗い
oyogu hitori kurai umi o
Swimming alone in a dark sea
[Show Definitions]

 About "hitori"
There are two words that are both pronounced as "hitori" (一人 and 独り). They have the same dictionary definitions, but different implications.
一人: one (when counting people) < just says there's one person for counting purposes
 独り: oneself alone < implies being alone, by yourself

 About "o"
o particle = written as wo を, but pronounced as o お ("oh")
[Exception: To emphasize the object, pronounce as "woah"]
(See #8 for more usage.)

 6) 1:35
nami ni tadayou tsuki no hikari
floating on a wave {moonlight*}

 7) 1:46
konsui {no naka} tsuki no hikari
{in**} a deep sleep {moonlight*}

 8) 2:00
走る 独り 暗い
hashiru hitori kurai sora o
Running alone through a dark sky
[Show Definitions]

 About "o"
This "o" is used a bit differently compared to in #5.

In #5, 游ぐ独り        暗い
       oyogu hitori     kurai  umi o
Swimming alone        in a dark sea
"o" marks "the direct object (a dark sea)" as "the direct object of an action (swimming)"

Here (#8), "o" is translated as "through," because "the path of motion (where you're running)" is through "a dark sky (the direct object marked with "o").

 9) 2:21
あなた 逢える なら
anata ni aeru nara
If only to meet you
[Show Definitions]

 About "au"
There are two words that are both pronounced as "au" (会う and 逢う). They have the same dictionary definitions, but different implications.
会う: (This is the version typically seen)

Yahoo! Answers

 10) 2:28
黄色 向日葵 群青 紫陽花
Aka ki-iro himawari daidai gunjou ajisai
Red, yellow, sunflower orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 11) 2:39
黄色 向日葵 群青 紫陽花
aka ki-iro himawari daidai gunjou ajisai
Red, yellow, sunflower Orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 12) 3:30
游ぐ 独り 深い
oyogu hitori fukai yami o
Swimming alone in deep darkness
深い / ふかい / fukai: [adjective] deep, profound, thick, close
闇 / やみ / yami: [noun, no-adjective] darkness, the dark, dark

 13) 3:51
あなた 逢える まで
anata ni aeru made
until I meet you
made: [Particle, Usually written in kana] until, till doing, as far as 

 14) 3:58
黄色 向日葵 群青 紫陽花
Aka ki-iro himawari daidai gunjou ajisai
Red, yellow, sunflower orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 15) 4:14
漂う 黄色 向日葵
Nami ni tadayou Aka ki-iro himawari
floating on a wave Red, yellow, sunflower

 16) 4:19
群青 紫陽花
tsuki no hikari daidai gunjou ajisai
{Moonlight*} orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 17) 4:25
昏睡 黄色 向日葵
konsui no naka Aka ki-iro himawari
{In**} a deep sleep Red, yellow, sunflower

 18) 4:30
群青 紫陽花
tsuki no hikari daidai gunjou ajisai
{Moonlight*} orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 19) 4:36
漂う 黄色 向日葵
Nami ni tadayou Aka ki-iro himawari
floating on a wave  Red, yellow, sunflower

 20) 4:41
群青 紫陽花
tsuki no hikari daidai gunjou ajisai
{Moonlight*} orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 21) 4:47
昏睡 黄色 向日葵
konsui no naka Aka ki-iro himawari
{In**} a deep sleep Red, yellow, sunflower

 22) 4:53
群青 紫陽花
tsuki no hikari daidai gunjou ajisai
{Moonlight*} orange, ultramarine, hydrangea

 23) 4:58
Nami ni tadayou
floating on a wave
drifting on a wave

Memorize the vocabulary from this song by visiting Quizlet for:
1. Flashcards (with audio and images)
2. Memorization tools (Speller, Learn, and Test)
3. Study games (Scatter and Space Race)
4. Printable .pdf flashcards

Kanji: 5SING
Romaji and translation A: Anime Lyrics
Translation B: Me (Haley)
Dictionaries: Denshi Jisho and Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary

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