1) Transitive vs. Intransitive Verbs
2) Ichidan, Godan, or Exception Verbs
3) Verbs: Hiragana table order
1) Transitive vs. Intransitive Verbs
1a) Transitive verb
Transitive verbs TRANSFER the action to an object.It NEEDS a direct object (marked by を) to take the action in order for it to happen.
Example: Think of the direct object as being a doorbell (it's an object that will directly receive the action) and that someone pressed it (the verb = to push). The doorbell wouldn't have been able to ring on its own.
1b) Intransitive verb
Intransitive verbs do not need an object to take action.Can have an indirect object (marked by に) showing where the verb is "headed" (but it doesn't NEED that thing to take place).
So, a direct object (を) would the the most important one, but an indirect object (に) is secondary to the information in the sentence.
Example: I'm giving (verb) a book (direct object receiving the verb) to Billy (he's the indirect object, he's secondary because __).
Warning: If a verb is (transitive/intransitive) and (needs/doesn't need a direct object) in Japanese does not always match up exactly in English.
2) Ichidan, Godan, or Exception Verbs
1. An ichidan verb
1b. 一段動詞 / いちだんどうし / ichidan-doushi: means "ichidan verb"
1c. In rikaichan, it's listed as v1, because
v = verb
"一 ichi" means "1"
1d. Being "ichidan" means it's a verb that ends in ~IRU or ~ERU
1e. ~IRU and ~ERU both start with vowels (i and e), so "ichidan" verbs are called Vowel-stem-verbs
2. A godan verb with a BU ending
1b. 五段動詞 / ごだんどうし / godan-doushi: means "godan verb"
1c. In rikaichan, it's listed as v5b, because
v = verb
"五 go" means "5"
b = ends with BU
1d. Being "godan" means it's a verb that ends in ~U
1e. Godan verbs are called Consonant-stem-verbs, because they end with one of the following: ~SU, ~KU, ~GU, ~TSU, ~RU (Warning: Some ~RU verbs appear to be ~IRU/~ERU ichidan verbs because they end with ~iRU/~eRU, but they are actually ~RU verbs!), ~U, ~NU, ~MU, ~BU
3. Exception/Irregular verbs
There aren't any rules, so have to memorize, but still follow typical conjugation patterns.
あ / A
い / I
う / U
え / E
お / O
か / KA
き / KI
気付く / きづく / kizuku: (godan verb with ku ending) to notice, recognize, become aware of, realize
About "kizuku"
On hiragana charts, づ is officially called "zu" (the same as ず).
However, to type づ in Japanese IME, you have to write "du"
su す > zu ず
tsu つ > du づ (it's pronounced like "dzu," though)
く / KU
け / KE
こ / KO
さ / SA
し / SHI
す / SU
せ / SE
そ / SO
た / TA
ち / CHI
つ / TSU
て / TE
と / TO
な / NA
に / NI
ぬ / NU
ね / NE
の / NO
は / HA
ひ / HI
ふ / FU
へ / HE
ほ / HO
ま / MA
み / MI
む / MU
め / ME
Definition 目覚める / めざめる / mezameru: (ichidan verb, intransitive verb) to wake up
"Yobu": Dictionary form (informal) > Present tense > Affirmative
2. Is in its stem/dictionary form (what you'd find if you looked it up in a dictionary--it's unconjugated).
2a. Translates to either present ("calling out") or future tense ("will call out")
2b. (Japanese combines these both. So, there are only 2 tenses: 1. present/future and 2. past.
There are also formal and informal versions of both tenses for every verb.)
も / MO
や / YA
ゆ / YU
よ / YO
Definition 呼ぶ / よぶ / yobu: (godan verb with BU ending, transitive verb)
1. to call out (to), call, invoke
2. to call out, say out loud
"Yobu": Dictionary form (informal) > Present tense > Affirmative
2. Is in its stem/dictionary form (what you'd find if you looked it up in a dictionary--it's unconjugated).
2a. Translates to either present ("calling out") or future tense ("will call out")
2b. (Japanese combines these both. So, there are only 2 tenses: 1. present/future and 2. past.
There are also formal and informal versions of both tenses for every verb.)
"Yobu": Dictionary form (informal) > Present tense > Negative
Present: "not calling out/does not call out"
Future: "will not call out"
"Yobu": Dictionary form (informal) > Past tense > Affirmative
yobu --> yon --> yonda
"called out"
"Yobu": Dictionary form (informal) > Past tense > Negative
"did not call out"
p.178, 85
ら / RA
り / RI
る / RU
れ / RE
ろ / RO
わ / WA
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