
I (Haley) love learning Japanese through song lyrics, so I wanted to share my studies with others who want to improve, too. My goal is that someone who knows nothing about Japanese can pick any song from this blog and be able to enjoy the lyrics on level with someone more experienced.

However, I've only been learning for 3 years, so my Japanese is far from fluent! I get a lot of help from Lang-8, Yahoo! Answers, Japanese language forums, and dictionaries. Basically, I'm doing the footwork to collect the meanings of obscure vocabulary and cultural ideas so there's no question in my mind about the song translation.

I've collected most of the Japanese kanji and romaji (romanization) plus English translations from various websites, so I'm grateful to many people's efforts. I'll give credit to the websites I find them on, but it's usually impossible to know who originally wrote what (if you want credit, just leave a comment or email).

Enjoy the site by singing karaoke to the time-stamped lyrics. I've explained the vocabulary and grammar towards people will little knowledge of Japanese for easy learning. Take the vocab with you through Quizlet flashcards and printable lyrics.

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